Exactly where does Moringa Oleifera Grow?


Everybody is only mindful of Moringa oleifera as a supplement. While they likely have a vague concept that the supplement is manufactured out of a plant, it is less likely that they are familiar with Moringa oleifera as a majestic tree. It is in tree form that Moringa oleifera is cultivated. It has been this way for hundreds of years, even though it is only recently that it was unveiled in the western world.

While Moringa oleifera comes from a very specific region of the world, it is now grown in many different places. In fact, anyone with the appropriate equipment and climate can grow a Moringa oleifera tree of their own.


Moringa oleifera originally comes from the northwestern portion of the Indian subcontinent. There, in the shadows of the Himalayas, the trees learned to thrive in harsh and unyielding climates. At some stage in the distant past, the native people of the region began taking advantage of the multitude of health-promoting qualities of Moringa oleifera. Not only is the tree great for various ailments, but it is also highly nutritious and can work as a significant food source.

Growing Conditions

Moringa oleifera does best in sandy soil. However, it has been seen to thrive even in very poor or nutrient-depleted soil. In some areas, people have planted Moringa oleifera in ground that is unsuitable for most other plants. The trees actually help to replace the nutrients in the soil, and after some years, regular crops can be grown there.

With regards to climate, Moringa oleifera prefers warmth. It has been seen to survive frosts, but for the most part, cold weather hinders growth and even kills the plants. Most professionals in the area of Moringa oleifera cultivation advise that a good guideline for planting these trees is to only plant them in areas where oranges will grow. This includes a large portion of the globe.

Where They Grow Today

From their humble beginnings in the northern reaches of India, Moringa oleifera trees are found in just about any nation within the tropics. They are particularly popular in Africa and in South America, but they are also grown in the Pacific and throughout southern Asia. They are grown in some parts of the United States, mainly in Florida and the desert southwest.


Moringa oleifera trees can be grown either from a cutting or from seeds. Either option enables them to be grown in the ground provided that the appropriate steps are taken to ensure survival. Anyone who wants to grow their own Moringa oleifera tree must be aware that they usually grow very fast and can reach a height of over 20 feet in only a few short years.

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